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The Benefit Of Rosella Plant

The Benefit Of Rosella Plant

Indonesia is located in a tropical area which is rich in flora and fauna diversity. Many plant are full of benefit that grow in Indonesia. Various kinds of plant can be used as food and medicine. One of many plant that can be used as medicine as well as food and drink is red rosella plant which in latin is hibiscus sabdariffa.

Red rosella is anative plant that comes from stretching area from india to Malaysia. Hibiscus sabdariffa is an originating species flower from African Continent, and widespread in tropical and subtropical area, including in Indonesia. Grow the rosella plant is mostly grown in java area, but there are still many people don’t know about this plant. Howefer, recently the rosella plant has received a lot of special attention from researcher because they found the benefit in rosella content which it was benefical to the health of the human body.

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Rosella flower sepal is one of part that can be used a food stuff. Hibiscus Sabdariffa species has dark red sepal thick and watery, this sepal is able for consume even though it lack fiber. This red rosella sepal which its taste very sour it usually can be prossed into jelly, jam, tea, syrup, pudding, and sweet. But altissima Webster species has a lot of fiber but it is disable to consume.

Rosella (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) is designated merambas ijo central java, kesew jawe in south Sumatra, and as tamarind in muara Enim and many other designation of many region.

There fore, the writer would like to discuss the benefit of the rosella plant for human body health, which there are still many people don’t know the various vitamin and the benefit are been contained in rosella plant. The writer also want to discuss how to process the rosella plant to a health drink for human and want to introduce the rosella plant to readers to know the benefit that useful for human health.

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The Formulations of Problem
  1. What are the vitamin contained in Rosella plant ?
  2. How to cultivate system of Rosella plant ?
  3. How to process Rosella plant into a health drink for human ?
The Aims of Writing
  1. To find out the vitamins content contained in rosella plant
  2. To find out how to cultivate system of rosella plant
  3. To find out how to process the Rosella plant in to a health drink for human
The Methods of Writing

In writing this scientific paper, the writer use the method, there are :
  1. Reviewing several books in the library which related to the title the benefit of rosella plant for human body health
  2. Looking for information from social media related to the title to provide information to the readers, so that they are more familiar with the rosella plant.